Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Felder and Solomon questionnaire - Learning Styles

Microsoft Office 2011
After completing the Felder and Solomon questionnaire provided in my course activities I have discovered that I am slightly reflective in my learning, but mostly head towards sensory style.  I show some degree of visual learning style, but I really take off towards sequential.  I like facts and written notes, but I like my study time to really take it all in - so no matter how it is presented I will go quietly away to re-asorb it and think about it some more.

In a class of 25 students it would be important to cater for all these needs through verbal presentation with digital technology, written notes, plus class and small group discussions.  Finally a homework sheet would allow reflection to cater to those who need quiet thought, but it is also a way of assessing your training.

ICT knowledge would allow me to bring in a more active, involved style of learning to a class which can better cater to all styles of learning needs.

My profiling questions would have to be of a mixed nature, similar to those of Felder and Solomon to filter out the different styles of learners in the classroom.

ICT's allows you to be more effective in supporting differences, because it can cater to so many needs in one effective tool.

I am a digital immigrant and my 14 year old son is a digital native.  He needs information quickly and from a variety of forms to maintain his interest. He loves the laptop the school has brought in and homework isn't such an issue - he is engaged.  I am slower on the uptake - don't really want Facebook, can't be bothered with an IPOD which holds 2000 songs, in fact I am quite happy with my 200 song IPOD.  I really need to change my attitude and embrace technology with a big hug.  The research is there - keep up with technology or just get left behind. I've made a decision and know where I am going - I am jumping on that digital technology rollercoaster ride!

Finally, I agree with Siemens learning theory because it is not enough anymore just to have good sound knowledge and be content with that - you also need to be to think outside the square to keep up and learn more.  As a teacher we need to show students how to do this by making them use the tools of technology to go to the next level of thinking.

Continuing the journey..............Simone 

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