SWOT Analysis on Glogster
Strengths - Fun, colourful, user friendly, allows for text, audio, video, images, graphics, drawings, data - appeals to all styles of learners. Students would enjoy creating presentations on this great ICT Tool.
Weaknesses - Planning is required by the teaching to achieve successful learning through this tool, so it doesn't just turn into a personal poster page.
Opportunities - Students can use it as a collaboration tool and once Glogs are created can be embedded in a Blog, Wiki or web page, so parents, friends and possibly other schools can see.
Threats - Since it is a communication tool teachers must safeguard students and administer the main classroom account and have the students create their accounts without any personal contact details.
Hey I like glogster as well. Good to see you. I was looking very ordinary when I did mine but I just wanted to get it done. I suppose all that matters is that we give it a try and delete it when the course is over. B