Wednesday, 30 March 2011

My First Movie

Watch out Steven Spielberg - Simone Benoit is an upcoming director/producer/writer....................

SWOT analysis of Movie Making:
Strengths - This ICT is unlimited in its strengths as it is a very powerful tool.  Bloom's Taxonomy and Learning Engagement would be covered in one swoop within this technology if students have to research,write, produce, collaborate - everything to make the movie.

Weaknesses-If students make a movie the teacher would have to be careful that they all understood the technology, so you don't end up with a few who can actually drive this vehicle.  Collaboration would have to be done in small groups.

Opportunities-This tool can be used to make simple movies, but also would allow for more complex movie making.

Threats - Students and Teachers would have to be very careful with referencing and copyright.

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